Monday, August 30, 2010

Tips to stay Slim

Let's confess, who don’t want to keep oneself in shape and look great in every outfit. Every one of us would probably like to improve something about our bodies. Whether it's the size, shape, proportions, or health and fitness level, we all have things that are important to us and things we would like to work on! Keeping ourselves in shape is not only important for looking attractive but also important for the health of the heart and organs that keep us functioning every day! I will share some simple tips that everyone can incorporate in their daily routine. I know these tips will appear very small for few people but my article is for the people, who have not heard about it.

1. Every time befor eating just think that your stomach is an apple size bag so you should eat just the amount that can be easily fitted in this little bag. If you overfill it, it won’t do it functioning properly.

2. Calories count does matter a lot. At the end of the day just take a rough idea of your total calories intake.

3. Try taking six small meals throughout the day instead of taking three big meals. But make sure these six meals just remain small meals and don't become big meals otherwise you will end up eating more than the three meals. Do not go longer than 3 hours without eating.

4. 8 glasses or 2 liter water are must for a day as water flushes the toxins and avoid fat building in body. Always drink a glass full of water befor eating your food so that you eat little. Also sometimes we falsely take the thirst signal as hunger signal and if you drink a glass of water whenever you feel hungry you will see that your hunger feeling goes away with a glass of water.

5. Start your day with a warm glass of water mixed with honey and lemon as this. Definitely it works as it cuts the fat.

6. Avoid overcooked vegetables and easily digestible food as our body also burns some calories itself digesting the food that we eat. So instead of eating easily digestible food, eat the food thats burns more calories while digesting it . I know not all the vegetables can be eaten half cooked but vegetables like cabbage, spinach, cauliflower, sprouts, salads tastes good even if half cooked.

7. If a big workout session is not possible due to small kids, job and other household work, just grab the opportunity of small sessions. Even the 5 minutes of workout counts to total weight loss.


  1. Welcome Sister to de blogging world so finally ur picasa album has made entry into blog........

  2. Looking forward for more post like this one:-)

  3. Good ...I like it, keep it up.

  4. wow what a idea i think it will work 4 me thanks for sharing yr tips.

  5. Very useful tips !! Looking forward to more of health tips from you.



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